Wednesday, 07 December 2022
This is an in-person event held at Scotland House Brussels, Rond-point Robert Schuman 6, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium.
The European Policy Centre and the Scottish Council on Global Affairs are pleased to invite you to this in-person Policy Dialogue on the international response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The event will focus on the war’s current state of play, the response of the international community, and what more needs to be done. It will also look at the ramifications for European security and the policy options for dealing with Russia now and in the future.
The discussion will be followed by a Scottish-themed drinks reception.
- Aivo Orav, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Mission of Estonia to the EU
- David McAllister, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, European Parliament
- Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive and Chief Economist, European Policy Centre
- Maria Golub, Policy Advisor, International Center for Ukraine’s Victory
- Martin Johnson, Director, Scotland House Brussels
- Rick Holtzapple, Deputy Permanent Representative and Deputy Chief, US Mission to NATO
- Vsevolod Chentsov, Ambassador, Head of the Mission of Ukraine to the EU
- Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre
- Juliet Kaarbo, Professor at University of Edinburgh and Co-Director of Scottish Council on Global Affairs